Monday, April 6, 2009

The Squat - Tips on How to Maximize this Powerful Exercise

With Spring here and Summer on the way, it is time to begin thinking about taking out your shorts and bathing suits. If you’re like me your thighs could be a concern. Here we go again, another chance to expose our flab and dimples. Read on, there may be a simple solution.

You may be wondering what is the best way to help tone and trim your inner and outer thighs and take care of your lower legs as well. Well the answer is simple. The Cadillac thigh trimmer is in fact, The Squat.

This challenging exercise does it all. It engages the large muscle groups in your lower body which in turn burns more calories, increases your metabolism and voila! trim and defined thighs and lower body.

Yes, this is simple, but there is a snag. These squats need to be done correctly to be effective.

With the following tips you should be well on you way to looking amazing in your shorts and bathing suit.

  • Stand with feet further than shoulder width apart and be sure to shift your weight back onto your heels, stick you butt out and lower yourself into a squat. Many of us have our weight on our toes which puts your knees past your toes when squatting. Besides not being effective, this incorrect position can cause knee problems.
  • Come down enough so that your thighs are parallel with the floor. If you only come half way down you’re missing your major muscles. To return to the standing position push on your heels while you squeeze your glutes and thighs.
  • As with all exercising, be sure to focus on what you are doing. Focus on the muscles you are working rather than just mindlessly going through the motions and I guarantee you will feel it more.
  • Consider your timing. Try coming down to a count of 3 or holding the squat once down or do both. This intensity increasing tip will cause amazing results from this exercise.

While the squat is a truly effective exercise in trimming thighs, to get your best results I suggest you include a full body strength training routine along with a healthy diet. That’s right, you need to limit your junk food consumption. You could be doing countless squats, but if you are rewarding yourself with a big slice of chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream, HELLO!, it’s just not going to work.

There is no reason you should be embarrassed about your body. If you're ready to read more about how a whole body strength training routine can help you obtain your ideal body I suggest you click here to check out Vince Del Monte's No Nonsense Muscle Building Program. This will be a perfect start to your perfect body.